Eastern Africa > Zimbabwe Flag

Zimbabwe Flag

Eastern Africa

Country Flags by Continent

The flag of Zimbabwe was adopted on April 18, 1980. The soapstone bird featured on the flag represents a statuette of a bird found at the ruins of Great Zimbabwe. The bird symbolises the history of Zimbabwe; the red star beneath it symbolises the revolutionary struggle for liberation and peace.


Officially, the meanings of the colours on the flag are as follows:

* Green: the agriculture and rural areas of Zimbabwe
* Yellow: the wealth of minerals in the country
* Red: the blood shed during the first and second Chimurenga (wars)
* Black: the heritage and ethnicity of the native Africans of Zimbabwe
* White Triangle: peace
* Zimbabwe Bird: the national symbol of Zimbabwe
* Red Star: the nation's hopes and aspirations for the future (as well as ZANU-PF's socialist beliefs)

The colours are used on the flag of the ruling ZANU PF party.