Eastern Africa > Ethiopia Flag

Ethiopia Flag

Eastern Africa

Country Flags by Continent

The Flag of Ethiopia is a flag that was adopted on February 6, 1996. The three traditional colours (green, yellow and red) date back to Emperor Menelik (1889–1913) and were first used in a flag in 1895. The current flag and emblem were adopted after the defeat of the Marxist Mengistu regime (in power from 1974–1991). The emblem is intended to represent both the diversity and unity of the country. Blue represents peace, the star represents diversity and unity, and the sun's rays symbolise prosperity. The green recalls the land, yellow stands for peace and hope, and red is symbolic of strength.

Colours of the flag

The colours of African unity (red, green and yellow) are seen here on one of the oldest African flags. These colours were used for the flag of the Ethiopian Empire in 1897, a year after Ethiopia decisively defended itself from colonial Italy at the Battle of Adwa. The flag's tri-colour scheme has existed since the early 19th century, and was previously the official banner of the Ethiopian Empire's Solomonic dynasty. The colours green, yellow, and red have carried special importance since at least the early 17th century.

The royal flag often featured the emblem of a Lion of Judah, a crowned lion carrying a cross centred in the banner's yellow mid-section. The flag is understood to be a link between the Ethiopian church, the peoples, and the nation that was united. The processional cross carried by the lion was the former "flag" or symbol of Ethiopia, and has been in use since at least the early 17th century, as well. Whilst red is currently featured at the bottom of the horizontal tricolour, this was reversed until the mid-19th century. The emblem was added in 1996. What the colours symbolise varies depending on point of view, but generally, red represents power or African blood spilled in defence of the land, yellow represents peace and harmony between Ethiopia's various ethnic and religious groups, and green is said to symbolize hope, or the land and its fertility. Other African nations, upon gaining independence from their colonial rulers often adopted these three colours that are known as the Pan-African colours.