Southern Europe > Bosnia and Herzegovina Flag

Bosnia and Herzegovina Flag

Southern Europe

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The flag of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was adopted on November 5, 1996. On the flag, green stands for the Bosniaks and red for the Bosnian Croats. The same goes for the coat of arms, whereon the green arms and golden fleur-de-lys stand for the Bosniaks and the chequy shield for Bosnian Croats. The ten stars arranged in a circle and, although they resemble those on the European flag, represent the 10 cantons of the Federation. The federation is part of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has its own flag.

The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has voted against the use of the current flag of the Federation declaring it unconstitutional. On March 31, 2007, the Constitutional Court placed its decision into the "Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina" officially removing the flag and coat of arms of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.