Western Asia > Jordan Flag

Jordan Flag

Western Asia

Country Flags by Continent

The flag of Jordan, officially adopted on 16 April 1928, is based on the flag of the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire during World War I. The flag is black, white and green stripes that are all connected by a red triangle. The colors stand for the Abbasid, Umayyad and Fatimid Caliphates. The red triangle is for the Hashemite dynasty and the Arab Revolt.

The seven-pointed star stands for the seven verses of the first surah in the Qur'an, and also stands for the unity of the Arab peoples. Some believe it also refers to the seven hills on which Amman, the capital, was built.

The colors of the Jordanian flag are those of the Pan-Arab flag. They were first used in 1917 to represent "pan-Arabianism", which sought independence from the Ottoman Empire.


The Jordan flag features three horizontal bands. The three colors used in the flag are black, white and green respectively. The color black stands for Abbasid Caliphate of Islam, white stands for the Umayyad Caliphate of Islam and the color green stands for Fatimid Caliphate of Islam.

All these three bands in the flag of Jordan are connected to a red-colored symmetrical triangle representing the Great Arab Revolt in 1916. The triangle also represents the Hashemite dynasty.

A white star with seven points is featured on the hoist side of the red triangle. The seven points symbolize the seven verses of Islamic belief, which is mentioned at the beginning of Qur’an. The seven points represent faith in one God, humanity, humility, national spirit, virtue, social justice and aspiration. The star also stands for the unity of the people of Arab.